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Spring Landscape Maintenance Guide

Published: March 12, 2025

As we welcome warmer weather, the Riverplace Residential HOA would like to remind all property owners of the importance of proper lawn maintenance. With the changing seasons, high grass and weeds can become common concerns, impacting the aesthetics and overall quality of our community. Please note that HOA guidelines remain in effect in addition to city regulations.

Property Maintenance Reminders
With the arrival of spring and the rapid growth of plants and trees, homeowners are responsible for maintaining their properties in accordance with both the HOA CC&Rs and City of Garland guidelines. Areas that commonly require attention include:

    • Weeds: Ensure lawns, flower beds, and sidewalks are free of weeds.
    o For example, if weeds are growing between driveway cracks or over the sidewalk, they should be removed.
    • Fertilizing: Apply appropriate fertilizers to maintain a healthy, green lawn and prevent patchy or yellowing grass.
    • Dead or untrimmed trees: Trim overgrown branches, especially those hanging over sidewalks or neighboring properties.
    o For example, if a tree is blocking a street sign, it should be trimmed for visibility.
    • Dead or untrimmed bushes: Prune overgrown shrubs and remove/replace any dead ones to maintain curb appeal.
    o For example, If a bush has turned brown and lost its leaves, it should be removed or replaced.
    • Grass in flower beds/tree wells: Keep grass from overtaking flower beds and tree wells by using mulch or edging.
    o For example, if grass is creeping into a mulch bed, use a trimmer or edging tool to maintain a clean border.

Fertilizer Schedule Guide:

    • Late February-Early March - apply a simple 15-5-10 fertilizer for an early green-up.
    • February-March – use a pre-emergent for grassy weeds to prevent such weeds are Crabgrass, Goose grass and Dallisgrass from popping up late in the spring and summer. Use a grassy pre-emergent like Amaze, Betasan, Balan or Treflan.
    • Late March-Early April - apply slow-released 3-1-2 ratio fertilizers.
    • May-Early June – one more application of a grassy pre-emergent will keep fall weeds from invading from August on.
    • Late June-Early July – apply slow-released 3-1-2 ration fertilizers.
    • October-November – apply winterizer formulas for winter hardiness.
    • Late October-Early November – use two different pre-emergent herbicides to prevent the weeds that we experience in February and March. First is a pre-emergent with Portrait or Gallery for board leaf weeds like clover. Second use a pre-emergent with Amaze, Betasan, Balan or Treflan for grassy weeds. There is also Barricade, Dimension or Pendimethlin as a 2-in-1 control.

Need Assistance?

If you are unsure about maintenance guidelines, please refer to the Riverplace Residential HOA Governing Documents at or reach out to the appropriate contact:

Planning Exterior Modifications?

If you are considering any exterior modifications to your home, an Architectural Control Committee (ACC) Request must be submitted for review and approval before making any changes. You can submit your request on the community website. Approval must be received before proceeding with any modifications.

We appreciate your cooperation in keeping our neighborhood well-maintained and welcoming for everyone. Thank you for your attention to these important guidelines!

Riverplace Residential Community

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